The Frog Scientist
“Turner’s lucid text and Comins’s clear color photos follow [Dr. Tyrone] Hayes’s developing career … this new addition to a stellar series opens an upbeat window to the adult application of youthful enthusiasm.”
“Turner’s lucid text and Comins’s photos follow Hayes’s developing career … this addition to a stellar series opens an upbeat window to the adult application of youthful enthusiasm.”
“Turner’s lucid text and Comins’s photos follow Hayes’s developing career … this addition to a stellar series opens an upbeat window to the adult application of youthful enthusiasm.”
School Library Journal, starred review

About the Book
When Tyrone Hayes was growing up in South Carolina, he didn’t worry about pesticides in water. He just liked to wade in and collect frogs, snapping turtles, and snakes. But when Tyrone grew up and became a scientist, he discovered something frightening. When frogs develop in water contaminated with tiny amounts of a pesticide called atrazine, some of the males are “feminized”: they grow eggs instead of sperm. Could pesticide use be responsible for some of the drastic decline in amphibian populations? And what are frogs telling us about the health of our environment?
Awards and Recognition
- AAAS/Subaru SB&F Science Writing Prize
- School Library Journal Battle of the Kid’s Books Contender
- American Library Association Notable Book
- National Science Teachers Association Outstanding Trade Science Book
- Cybils Young Adult Nonfiction Award
- Horn Book starred review
- Booklist starred review
- School Library Journal starred review
- Bulletin of the Cooperative Center for Children’s Books starred review
- National Green Earth Honor Award
- Booklist Top Ten Sci-Tech Book for Youth
- Book Links Lasting Connections
- CCBC (Cooperative Children’s Book Center) Choices
- Booklist Editor’s Choice
- Capitol Choice Selection
- Orbis Pictus Honor Award from NCTE
- Junior Library Guild Selection
- School Library Journal starred review
The Horn Book starred review:
“The latest volume in the Scientists in the Field series introduces us to Dr. Tyrone Hayes, who researches the effects of pesticides on frog development as one possible cause of the rapid decline in amphibian populations around the world, a phenomenon not yet fully explained. Hayes comes across as both a dedicated scientist and a regular person, willing to work hard in pursuit of his scientific work yet quick to laugh and joke with his family and the graduate students he mentors. The result is one of the most compelling portraits of a scientific career the series has produced.”
School Library Journal starred review:
“Being raised in then strictly segregated Columbia, SC, couldn’t keep a smart young African-American man out of college, even prestigious Harvard University … Turner’s lucid text and Comins’s clear color photos follow Hayes’s developing career to his present respected place as a gifted member of the scientific community. Researching the effects of atrazine-contaminated water on vulnerable amphibians, he is surrounded by the ‘Frog Squad,’ a group of enthusiastic students pouncing on frogs in ponds or collecting careful data in the lab. Grinning from pierced ear to pierced ear (and that is a story in itself), the genial scientist nurtures his assistants, encouraging their enthusiasms while demanding serious work … this new addition to a stellar series opens an upbeat window to the adult application of youthful enthusiasms.”
Booklist starred review:
“Turner portrays Hayes as both a colorful personality and a dedicated scientist … A vivid, realistic view of one scientist at work.”
Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books starred review:
“… a nifty narrative that conveys science in action, offers some insight into environmental damage, and provides a vivid portrait of an energetic and charismatic (and hunky) young scientist who’s clearly inspiring students to take an interest in the field … useful as an introduction to the creation and execution of an experiment, and it will therefore be invaluable in science classes.”

photographs by Andy Comins
Scientists in the Field
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2009
hardcover ISBN 978–0618717163
paperback ISBN 978–0547576985
lesson plan #1:
the mystery of disappearing frogs
lesson plan #2:
schoolyard field investigations