Pamela S. Turner

Hachiko: The True Story of a Loyal Dog

“[T]his will res­onate with any child who has loved a dog and been loved in return.”

— Book­list, starred review


About the Book

Every day Hachiko walked to the Shibuya train sta­tion in Tokyo to meet his best friend. Hachiko wait­ed, and wait­ed, long after his own­er could not come to meet him. This is Hachiko’s sto­ry as seen through the eyes of Ken­taro, a boy whose life is changed for­ev­er by his friend­ship with this very spe­cial dog. Sim­ply told, and illus­trat­ed with Yan Nascimbene’s lush water­col­ors, Hachiko’s tale will touch your heart.

Awards and Recognition

  • Gold­en Kite Hon­or Award
  • Child Mag­a­zine Best Book of the Year
  • Bul­letin for the Cen­ter for Chil­dren’s Books Blue Rib­bon List
  • Par­en­t’s Choice Foun­da­tion Sil­ver Award
  • Book­list starred review
  • Book­list Edi­tor’s Choice
  • ASPCA Hen­ry Bergh Hon­or Award
  • Mia­mi Her­ald Best Book of the Year
  • Nation­al Coun­cil on Social Stud­ies Notable Social Stud­ies Trade Book
  • Inter­na­tion­al Read­ing Asso­ci­a­tion Teacher’s Choice
  • Penn­syl­va­nia Young Read­er’s Choice Award
  • Junior Library Guild selection


Book­list starred review:
“This beau­ti­ful­ly craft­ed pic­ture book pays trib­ute to one of the world’s less­er-known ani­mal heroes: Hachiko …Turn­er unfolds this poignant true sto­ry in the nat­ur­al, unaf­fect­ed voice of Ken­taro, a fic­tion­al lit­tle boy, who won­ders at the dog’s unswerv­ing devo­tion. Unob­tru­sive details evoke a sense of place (‘ladies in kimonos walked care­ful­ly, try­ing to keep their white tabi socks away from the grime of the streets’), as does Nascim­bene’s spare line-and-water­col­or art­work, rem­i­nis­cent of Japan­ese wood­block prints … this will res­onate with any child who has loved a dog and been loved in return.”

School Library Jour­nal:
“The soft­ly hued water­col­or illus­tra­tions have a sim­plic­i­ty that brings to mind the style of Japan­ese wood­cuts. Each small image of Hachiko express­es the per­son­al­i­ty of this fur­ry, gen­tle crea­ture … this touch­ing tale will cap­ture the hearts of young dog lovers.”

San Fran­cis­co Chron­i­cle:
“The sto­ry of a real dog that became an icon in Japan is mov­ing­ly told in Hachiko: The True Sto­ry of a Loy­al Dog … the book’s gen­tle tone, com­pelling sto­ry and exquis­ite art are a win­ning combination.”

Par­ents’ Press:
“Hachiko is cer­tain­ly the most aes­thet­ic work for chil­dren we’ve seen this year, and a prose poem to dogs’ ulti­mate virtue: loy­al­ty. … this sim­ply writ­ten fable makes its points with grace­ful restraint. High­ly recommended.”


illus­trat­ed by Yan Nascim­bene
Houghton Mif­flin Har­court, 2004
paper­back ISBN 978–0547237558

Manchee enjoys reading about other dogs
Manchee enjoys read­ing about oth­er dogs

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